Wednesday, November 15, 2006

spawning yabby's

I came across some info on the net at it says that females dont molt while they are spawning !!! well the ones I have seem to , one of them has molted then came back later and fed on the babies attached to the sheded shell .
I dont care so much because the other female has alot more eggs on her than that one did ! hopefully she is a better mother , I think I will wait several days for its shell to harden before I place it in the other tank with the males , "after the last episode" , not that she deserves it !!
Here is a pic of the new system I made its got a stronger pump so I was able to make a flood and drain system and add another grow bed into it , the amonoia levels jumped up to 6 after the canablism incident so I dumped some water I didn't bother with nitrites because I know the biofilter wont kick in for a while.
The first system I built is working fine amonia and nitrites non existant and the watercres is growing well hopefully the remaining egg barring female will give me some much needed stock.

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